Chinar Cart Privacy Policy

At Chinar Cart, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring a secure and transparent online experience. We kindly request that you take a moment to review this privacy policy to understand how we handle your information when you use our website, purchase our products or services. By using our website, you agree to abide by the terms of this privacy policy. Please revisit this page periodically, as it may be subject to updates.

Privacy Statement

When you engage in online transactions with us, certain customer information is collected, such as your credit card details, postal address, email address, and phone number. These details are essential to provide you with quality service. Our privacy policy is designed to clarify what information we gather from you during your visits to our website, how we use that information, and the measures we have in place to protect your data. All transactions between our website and users are treated with utmost confidentiality. We do not share or utilize your information for third-party purposes.

Newsletter Subscription

Subscribing to our newsletter allows you to receive exclusive information about special offers, media events, new products, and much more. If you haven't already signed up, you can easily do so by completing our registration form. Should you ever wish to cease receiving future Chinar Cart newsletters, you can unsubscribe by logging into your Chinar Cart account. Unsubscribing from our newsletter will not affect your receipt of essential communications related to online orders, surveys, or other operational matters.

Updating Your Personal Information

We make every effort to maintain the accuracy and currency of your personal information. To facilitate this, we offer you the opportunity to update or modify your personal details, including billing and shipping information, by logging into your Chinar Cart account. Simply enter the changes you wish to make and click the "Update," "Edit," or "Delete" button as appropriate.


Chinar Cart, like many other e-commerce websites, uses "cookies" to enhance your shopping experience and save you time. Cookies are small pieces of data stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Our cookies allow us to provide a shopping cart and retain your shipping and billing information for future visits. Even if you've configured your browser to reject cookies, you can still use our site; however, you may need to manually enter information that would typically be retrieved from the cookie. Please be aware that our affiliates or advertisers may also employ cookies, and while we encourage responsible cookie usage, Chinar Cart is not responsible for cookies placed by third parties.